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The Simmental is genetically engineered toward efficient, economical production of tender, lean, palatable beef — the product in demand by consumers today.

The SimAngus Breed was created in the late 20th century in response for a demand for a crossbred animal combining the superior qualities of the Simmental with Angus or Red Angus. This cross has proven a very popular as a means of producing cattle with high performance and high market acceptance levels.

The SimAngus breed combines the best traits of both parent breeds. Superior weight gain, muscling, meat yield and maternal traits of the Simmental with the meat quality, polled and solid coat colour attributes of the Angus and Red Angus. Popularity of these breed mixes has created a strong demand for both bulls and females with varying combinations of Simmental and Angus/Red Angus.

Development in Australia

SimAngus cattle have become very popular all over Australia due to the demands of the modern beef industry.

Recognising this demand, Simmental Australia developed a performance register called “SimAngus” – providing registration and Breedplan recording of eligible cattle with varying degrees of Simmental and Angus (or Red Angus).

A registered SimAngus animal comprises between 1/8 to 7/8 Simmental and 1/8 to 7/8 Angus or Red Angus. Breeders of SimAngus can choose the percentage breed mix to suit their own herds and the markets they supply.

Physical Description

SimAngus are either solid black or red in colour and are polled. They are moderate to large framed. Mature bulls weigh around 1,000 to 1,300 kg. While mature SimAngus cows weigh from 500 to 700 kg.

Defining Characteristics

The SimAngus breed features females that are maternal with high calving ease. These females exhibit excellent fertility and milking ability. Their calves are high in growth and finish with an ideal fattening pattern. They are known for their excellent carcass quality, high meat yield and meat quality.

They are very docile and are easy to work with on any operations. SimAngus are able to finish well in the pasture or on the feedlot. Selected seedstock representing the very highest value genetics both in their Simmental pedigrees and their Angus or Red Angus lineage have the potential to be the most valuable genetic packages available to the beef industry today.


The Science

According to data from the USDA’s Meat Animal Research Centre Report 22, SimAngus progeny ranked first in calving ease, weaning weight, percent choice, carcass weight, pounds post gain, feed efficiency by weight gain, percent puberty, maternal calving ease, and feed efficiency by marbling over all other continental breeds. In the same report, they also ranked first in calving ease, weaning weight, carcass weight, post wean gain, pounds of real product, shear force, and feed efficiency by marbling and maternal weaning weight over all British breeds. The Simmental is genetically engineered toward efficient, economical production of tender, lean, palatable beef — the product in demand by consumers today.