Dear Members
Simmental Australia have a trade stand in the Exhibition Hall, site E13, with Felicity and President, Phil Partridge in attendance. On Monday from 11.30am we will have guests from ASA and IGS, Wade Shafer and Luke Bowman on site. See the info below for more information.

Each day there will be a Cattle Baron Board Game giveaway to those who sign up for a catalogue at the stand culminating in the grand draw to win of one of our 50th Anniversary Belt Buckles.
Members are more than welcome to come rest up and have a chat or even represent Simmental while chatting to the public.
Any promotional items can be dropped off at the stand and help putting into trade bags is appreciated. Promo videos will need to be sent to Felicity in time to go on external hard drive.
Drop in and see the Simmental Show Cattle are being housed in the Connor’s Pavilion.
Sunday 5th May – Nutrien Ag Solutions Commercial Cattle Championship Program
9.00am Judging Commences
1.00pm – 4.00pm Young Commercial Judges Competition (presentations to follow)
Monday 6th May
8.00am Official Opening of the Sale and Announcement of Champions
8.30am Sale of Champions and Feature Sale Commences
6.30pm Awards Presentation Dinner
Sales: Goldstar Genetics Invitational Sale timer on from 7.00pm Thursday
Tuesday 7th May
Simmental Judging from 8.30am in Ring 3 with Judge, Andrew Olive – click the link for the livestream.
Sales: Savannah Simmentals and Simbrahs Rocky Red Sale on site at 5.30pm
Thursday 9th May
Parade of Champions Centre Ring 12.00pm
Nutrien Livestock Interbreed Championship
Supreme Champion Group, Female and Male Centre Ring Following parade with Judges Scott Dunlop, Ian Galloway & Wayne York
Friday 10th May
4.00pm 50th Belt Buckle draw
IGS will present at Beef
Representatives of IGS, Dr Wade Shafer (ASA) (Top Right) and Luke Bowman (SimGenetics & IGS) (Bottom Left) are travelling to Beef next week and are available for anyone wishing to discuss all things IGS.
Their program is as follows:
Monday 6th May
Luke and Wade will be on the Simmental Display stand (E13) from 11.30AM and then at Shorthorn Marquee (059-060 /064-065) from 12.30PM.
Tuesday 7th May
Luke and Wade will be in the main judging arenas, much of which at Simmental judging. They will present a couple of ribbons during this time and will also come down to the Simmental Shed get together about 3PM.

Wednesday; 8th May
IGS PRESENTATION and DISCUSSION at the Shorthorn Marquee at 10AM (059-060 /064-065).
Luke and Wade will also come to the Simmental Stand at 3PM for about an hour.
Thursday 9th May
Luke and Wade will be on the USLGE Stand (USA Livestock and Genetic Export Stand) all day. Folk have the opportunity to go to the stand to discuss IGS and all things Simmental as well.