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Breed Uniform deadline for March

Dear Members

Our uniform shop has advised that they have a 29th February deadline for our uniforms as they will be closing for a time in March.

Note also that size 10 Ladies Metro shirts are out of stock until May.


e-News Membership and Inventory

Dear Members

Autumn Inventory: Members with an Autumn Inventory who would usually have received printed Inventory sheets this year will be able to do so online. A reminder that members can dispose of females, or males, at any time.… Continue reading

e-News Bylaw and Office updates

The Bylaws have now been updated along with the prescribed fees to take affect from 1st January 2024. These are available on our website along with the June Bylaws for comparison.

As was in the last e_news, you no longer… Continue reading

Seeking progeny test sires

Dear Members

We are compiling a list of Traditional bulls with semen already collected for export, or will be, by February 2024 that have met the US export guidelines.

We are aiming to enter at least two bulls in a… Continue reading