Leading Zeros: Make sure you’re putting in the three numbers for your ident – 001, 010, 100
Wildcard: While we no longer use % as a wildcard, you can search without a grade – ABCU100 will find the animal U100 belonging to herd ABC. You don’t need to know the whole name either, if you enter FRED, then any animal with those four letters will show.
Eye pigment on an animal is available to be seen on Performance and Summary tabs
ET calves: System does ask for a Flush date to ascertain who owned the dam at flushing (especially Ausn born dams).
DNA request tip: You can submit one, or every sire you know of, at the initial request for the one charge. You are not charged per sire, but per request. So when choosing your bundle, add a list of suspected sires on a separate spreadsheet. Charges for PV after DNA are at $11.00 per request and again, you can choose every sire you know for the one fee of $11.00.
Suffixes are now showing on animals in public search

Sire/Dam selector has the added indexes in the dropdown “order results by” box (below)

Foundation/Recips are now able to be added in Breeder login/My Foundation/Recips. This will give the animal a CO number to go into your registration. A purebred from another breed should still be sent to the office for processing as a registered animal. (below)

Animal edit: Once you’ve registered an animal, you can edit details up to 6m of age for RFID, name, coat colour and horn/poll. Under My Performance/My Calving/Edit – any field in white, you can change. (below)

Coat colour: Grey animals can only go in Black Simmental or SimAngus register. “Other” will UNR an animal if trying to register in the Simmental book.
How to process inventory – https://youtu.be/0vNy4S9JHKY?si=3wdqa5Won-dhbEBs
Shop link – https://simmental.com.au/shop/